In HRP Labs we are distinguished by our division of Gastropathology and Hepatic Pathology, with more than 15 years of experience, directed by Dr. Kathia Rosado, MD, FCAP. We have an “in-house” Immunohistochemical laboratory to obtain your results as soon as possible, without sacrificing the quality of your diagnoses.
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These services include:
- Processing, diagnosis and interpretation of biopsies and surgical specimens
- Intraoperative consultations
- Review of lamellae and second opinions of cases performed in other laboratories
Services of immunohistochemistry and immunopathology including the determination of:
- MSI (Micro Satellite Instability) by immunohistochemistry for adenomas or adenocarcinomas (MLH-6, PSM-2, MLH-1, MSH-2)
- Special dyes
- Molecular pathology to determine mutations in KRAS, BRAF and EGFR genes and thus to determine targeted therapy

We have a complete department of hematopathology directed by Dr. Dana Delgado, FCAP, sub specialty in Hematopathology. Because of this, a greater number of samples are processed and diagnosed locally at a cost that responds to the rates and prices established in our community, reducing the need to use laboratories outside of Puerto Rico.
“In-House” Hematopathology Tests
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- Immunohistochemistry
- FISH (Tissue block only)
- Flow cytometry
- Expanded bone marrow aspirates
- Extending peripheral blood
Available through our Reference Laboratory:
- FISH in fresh / liquid tissues
- Cytogenetics
- BCR-ABL Screening (p190 + p210)
- by Quantitative
- BCR-ABL PCR (p190 OR p210)
- Previous positive report required
- JAK 2 (V617F) mutation
- JAK 2 EXON 12 mutation
- MPL mutation
- Calreticulin
- MYD88
- KIT D816V
- Mutation CEBPA
- Mutation NPMl
- PML-RARA by PCR (S TAT cases)
- B-cell gene rearrangement (IgH)
- B-cell gene rearrangement (IgK)
- T-cell gene rearrangement (beta)
- T-cell gene rearrangement (gamma)
For Specimen Shipment Requirements click here.
We offer a comprehensive pathological diagnostic service that evaluates inflammatory and neoplastic conditions of the skin to help prevent them and/or recommend the appropriate treatments.
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- Special dyes
- Detection of dermatophytes
- Evaluation of margins
- Frozen sections
- Cultures for fungi
- Immunohistochemistry
- Mutation tests in BRAF

The neuropathology service offers specialized interpretation of neurosurgical biopsies. Additionally, it provides consulting services for brain, skeletal muscle and nerve biopsies. The consultancy also includes autopsy material.
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These studies include:
- Conventional and special histological staining techniques.
- Immunohistochemistry
- In situ hybridization
Tests performed:
- Brain biopsies and autopsies
- Intraoperative diagnosis of cytological smears and freezing cuts
- Study of tissues included in paraffin and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin
In Situ Hybridization:
- Analysis of alterations of1p / 19q.
- Muscle Biopsies
- Systematic study of muscular diseases, including inflammatory myopathies, congenital myopathies, muscular dystrophies and denervation myopathies.
- Fabric Processed in slices by freezing: H / E; ATPase (acid and alkaline), NADH, Trichrome, PAS, Oil Red, COX, SDH.
- Paraffin embedded fabric: H / E and special stains as needed.
- Immunohistochemistry (paraffin and freeze cuts): Myosin (fast & slow), Dystrophin Panel, Sarcoglycan Panel, Dysferlin, Inflammatory Panel (MHC Class I, LCA, CD68, CD3, CD4, CDS, CD20)
** Note: Muscle biopsies are performed through prior coordination with our department, according to the established protocol.
With 20 years of experience, Dr. Luis E. Ferrer, certified in anatomical and clinical pathology, directs the department of immunopathology.
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We offer a wide variety of diagnostic immunohistochemical panels that assist the pathologist in their diagnosis:
- Carcinomas of unknown origin
- (CUP)
- Lymphomas and leukemias
- Melanomas
- Lung carcinomas
- Neuroendocrine carcinomas
- Hepatic carcinomas
- Renal carcinomas
- Soft tissue sarcomas
- Basal cells (breast and prostate)
- e-Cadherin (breast carcinomas)
- In-Situ Hybridization (ISH)
- Deletion of lp / 19q
- Her2 /neu
- HPVScreen
- IgH (14q32)
- BCL2 (18q21)
- MYC (8q24)
- MALTl (18q32)
- BCR (22q11)
- Immunofluorescence studies
- Cutaneous
- Kidney
- Transplants
- KRAS mutation analysis
- BRAF mutation analysis
- EGFR mutation analysis
- Flow Cytometry for the determination of leukemias
and lymphomas - Bone marrow
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA)
- Body fluids (pleural, peritoneal, among others)
- Immunoperoxidase

Our technicians, licensed by the College of Medical Technologists of Puerto Rico, work focused on the detection of:
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- Human genotyping
- papillomavirus (HPV)
- Vaginal
- Anal
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
- Tests of Fetal Fibronectin (Ffn)
- In-Situ Hybridization with Fluorescence (FISH)
- UroVysion (FISH)
- Detection of bladder cancer
- BRAF mutation analysis
- KRAS mutation analysis
- EGFR mutation analysis
Services for the detection of breast cancer:
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- Surgical analysis and diagnosis
- Needle biopsies (“core needle biopsy”)
- Fine Needle Biopsy (FNA)
- Mastectomy
- Lumpectomy
- Sentinel nodules
- Immunohistochemistry services (IHC)
- Prognostic factors – ER, PR, Herz/ neu, Ki -67, p53
- Determination of myoepithelial cells to diagnose proliferative epitheclial processes
- Ductal carcinoma vs. Lobular
- Confirmation of HERZ/ neu status using molecular tests
- Herz/ neu by FISH
- OncotypeDx and Mammaprint (reference laboratories)

We have a select group of pathologists with vast experience in studies of prostate tissues.
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- Prostate
- Kidney
- Barbotage
- Catheterized
Urine Cytologies:
- Barbotage
- Catheterized PCA3 (Prostate
- Cancer in Gen 3) in urine
- Voided urine
Molecular Tests:
- Urovysion-FISH
- Genotyping HPV
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
Ancillary Tests:
- PIN 4
Prognostic Markers:
- ERG (if positive for adenocarcinoma)
- Panel for prostate biopsies
Urine cytologies:
- Barbotage
- Catheterized