Thyroid Malignancy Somatic Marker Panel (TMSP)
The Thyroid Malignancy Somatic Marker Panel (TMSP) is a high-sensitivity, high-specificity test with a positive predictive power of 100%, designed to identify and classify indeterminate Thyroid carcinoma.
How common are Thyroid nodules?
Thyroid nodules are extremely common, which is why diagnostic tests need to be fast while delivering the most accurate results possible. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) recommends molecular tests to help reach a diagnosis and, consequently, adequate management in cases of indeterminate nodules.
- Results available in 14 days.

An insight into our wide range of services
- TMSP is a 7 Gene Panel: 4 point mutations and 3 gene fusion mutations that have been described in thyroid malignancies.
- RET/PTC1, RET/PTC3, PAX8/PPARγ (variants in exon 7 and exon 8)
- Optimized for:
- Cytology specimens through Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA), FFPE, fresh frozen tissue
- Rule In Test
In cytological examinations performed by fine needle biopsies:
- 70% of nodules are benign
- 5-10% of nodules are malignant
20-25% of nodules are categorized as indeterminate (these are classified as AUS/FLUS, FN, and SM under the Bethesda system for diagnoses of thyroid nodules)
Most Common Mutations:
- BRAF V600E
- In multiple studies with panels with more than 500 genes tested, only 26 genes harbored a variant or fusion.
- Positive Predictive Value (PPV):
- BRAF V600E: 98%
- PAX8/PPARg: 55%
- HRAS Q61R: 45%
- BRAF K601E: 42%
- NRAS Q61R: 38%
Head of Division
Dra. Keila Rivera FCAP, FASCP
Clinical and Anatomical Pathology
Specialist in Molecular Genetics