What are customer service hours of operation?
Office hours:
Mon – Fri – 7:00am – 5:30pm
Sat – 8:00am – 12:00pm
Sun – Closed
What insurance plans are accepted?
Click here to access our complete list of accepted insurers.
Why have I received an invoice from HRP Labs?
There are several reasons why you may receive an invoice from HRP Labs. The main reason is that HRP Labs rendered a service to you for the analysis of a sample that may have come to our laboratory from a physician’s office you visited, a hospital where a procedure was performed, you may have visited one of our FNA clinics, or you may have visited our clinical laboratory.
HRP Labs accepts most health insurance providers. However, some services may incur a co-payment, co-insurance, or deductible depending on the coverage your medical insurance provides. Finally, your health insurance may have denied the bill for the services, or some correction or additional information may be needed in order to resubmit the bill.
On the bill you will find a patient notes area detailing the reason for the bill, the methods and locations where payment can be made, as well as our contact information. If you need additional information you can always contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
I paid my deductible at the office, why did I receive an invoice from HRP Labs?
Payments made at the physician’s office correspond to co-payments for the visit and any services received during the visit. Sample analysis services performed by HRP Labs are billed by us as laboratory service separately from the services billed by the physician’s office. Once your health insurance pays the HRP Labs invoice, it tells us if you are responsible for any additional co-payments or co-insurance depending on your coverage, and we then bill you.
Why have I received an invoice when my insurance provider covers lab tests?
The charge received may correspond to a co-payment, co-insurance, or deductible, depending on the cost-sharing included in the contracting of your coverage with the insurance provider. The information regarding amounts and applicable percentages can be found on your card, or on the documents provided by your provider at the time of contracting. In the event that the charge corresponds to a denial, you will find a note on the bill indicating this. In the event that it is a health plan, error you can contact us to provide any evidence you have and help us generate a request for review.
Does HRP Labs accept my health insurance plan?
Please refer to our list of insurers accepted by HRP Labs. Click here.
I have Medicare, what would I have to pay?
Medicare covers 80% of the total billed pathology services. Clinical laboratory services are covered by Medicare at 100%, as long as you have met your annual deductible. If you have a supplemental or secondary plan it can be used to cover the 20% that Medicare does not cover.
Can HRP Labs tell me how much my lab work will cost?
The cost of your lab work will depend on the type of study requested and the need for additional studies that may be requested by the pathologist. HRP Labs staff can offer an estimate, but the final amount will be determined by what your health insurance covers.
What payment methods does HRP Labs accept?
We accept online payments (through Banco Popular), Visa, MasterCard, check, money order. (Please do not send cash, as we can’t guarantee delivery.)
You can make your payments over the phone using Visa or MasterCard, or via the mail with a check or money order.
The Explanation of Benefits I received from my health insurance plan is different from the information on my HRP Labs bill. What should I do?
Remember that your health insurance plan’s Explanation of Benefits is not a bill. The charges shown on the EOB may be based on the contracted rates of the insurance plan and HRP Labs. You may contact your insurance provider or our Customer Service Department if you still have any questions.
Explanation of Fees
The explanation of benefits or EOB issued by your insurer will contain the summary of what your plan paid based on what was billed by the service provider. HRP Labs, in this case.
In the EOB, you will find the amount approved by your plan and the amounts allocated to deductibles, co-payments and co-insurance, according to your contracted service coverage. You will likely receive an invoice from HRP Labs for the amount listed as deductible, co-payment or co-insurance, depending on the service we provided to you.
Online Payment
To pay your bill online, click here.
Mail Payment
Please address your check or money order to:
HRP Labs and send to the following address: PO Box 366527, San Juan, PR 00939-6527
Phone Payment
Monday through Friday – 7:00am – 5:30pm
Saturday – 8:00am – 12:00pm
Sunday – Closed
You must have the following information available for payment by savings account:
- Patient’s name
- Bank account number
- Type of account – checking or savings
- Routing number
- Residential address
You must have the following information available for payment by VISA or MasterCard credit cards:
- Patient name
- Card number
- Expiration date
- Security code (3 digits on the back of the card)
FNA Clinics
We have a team of renowned experts specializing in Fine Needle Biopsies (FNA). Once you receive an order from your doctor referring you for a fine needle aspiration, you can contact us to inform you about the requirements and the procedure. We have 9 facilities in which we perform this procedure, located in various towns around the Island for your convenience. To schedule your appointment, please call 787-723-2333.
Submitting the Correct Information for Your Medical Insurance Plan
Because HRP Labs does not always receive the patient directly in our offices, we are at the mercy of the information that comes to us along with the samples referred from medical offices and hospitals. In some cases, we receive information that is out of date or incorrect. In these instances, you may receive a call to corroborate incomplete or incorrect information. On the other hand, if you receive a bill, the note will indicate the reason for the bill and you can always contact our office to clarify any information that will allow us to finalize your insurance claim.